“Free prescription” at the heart of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region

A meeting was held on the 24th of April 2017 at the regional council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes with the aim of developing the Regional Public Service for Vocational Training (SPRF). It focused on the training prescription that the region wishes to liberalize. The purpose of this provision is to allow training organizations to recruit their own trainees without having to go through networks such as Pôle Emploi, local missions etc. Stéphanie Pernod-Beaudon, vice-president responsible for vocational training and apprenticeship, said that this decision was included in the new FPS in June.
Stéphanie Pernod-Beaudon, Vice-Présidente déléguée à l’apprentissage et la formation professionnelle de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, said that this measure was necessary to enable those with the greatest difficulty to access training. She also pointed out that the region must ensure that organizations also take care of them.
A more precise role for training prescribers
Stéphanie Pernod-Beaudon’s position on “free prescription” is that the guidance role of training prescribing bodies such as Pôle Emploi and local missions will be strengthened.
In addition, it also announced the deployment of several facilitators in the departments (one territorial leader per department). They are in charge of the trainees’ follow-up, notably on the interest of training in relation to its cost. It is possible in Auvergne to know the level of training of the trainees as well as the entities that must be addressed to improve this level.