The changing face of the world of work

A recent study published by the Ile-de-France Planning and Development Institute highlights the changes that the region expects to undergo in the years to come.
The introduction of the report published by the organization suggests that, in the period leading up to 2025, the Ile-de-France region is expected to be confronted with profound changes that will completely change the face of its economy.
The remodeling and reshaping of the world of work is reckoned to be the most important challenge of the various changes that local populations will face in the years to come.
New environment and automated tasks
The report published by the Planning and Urban Development Institute has revealed to the public at large that thousands of jobs will be eliminated by 2025 due to automation.
The principal sectors targeted by this change are those of industries and handling. However, the same conditions will apply to posts relating to the provision of services.
The first jobs which are set to disappear are labour intensive posts such as:
- Cleaning technicians
- Cashiers
- Transportation Operators etc.
It is therefore important that workers be able to adapt to these different changes because it is predicted that one job in two will disappear or change dramatically.
Consequently, the public authorities must take the necessary measures to help workers to adapt to these new techniques and technologies to come.
The picture is not entirely bleak, however, as new opportunities are also set to emerge. Other jobs will be created and may even have an ecological character and aspect thus contributing to sustainable development.
This is due not only to the different threats to our climate , but especially to new regulations regarding non-renewable raw materials. A hundred thousand new jobs are expected to be created, resulting from a restructuring of the various currently existing systems.
The study also warns of the potential for greater social divides that could develop by 2025 due to an increasingly aging population.