AI – a new tool for recruitment

The field of human resources has also entered the digital age. Companies face new challenges and priorities, although they are not all accorded equal importantance. Organizations also need to be more agile and flexible to meet the needs of digital HR changes but does artificial intelligence really represent a reliable alternative in recruitment?
Transforming organisations and leadership digitally
Following the digital trend requires companies to transform their organizations. HR Directors also have to revise their organizational models so that digital technology forms the bedrock of all HR processes and activities. HR staff must also consider focusing on development interviews and increasing the frequency of recruitment to better manage performance standards.
However, digital transformation also requires strong digital leadership. This transformation evidently implies the integration of new tools, the adoption of new methods and even the creation of new services but a digital leader must be able to adapt to the rhythm of incessant changes and especially the evolution related to digital technologies. a strong digital leader must be anticipatory and agile so that the data provided by artificial intelligence is exploited to its maximum potential.
Training and career management geared towards employee development
The HR policies of a company are defined according to its human needs while taking into account its financial capacities. Training and career management is one of the priorities of HR decision-makers for the coming months.
Short of finding the ideal candidate for a position, the HR department should aim to offer training to improve its own resources. This type of training also allows the employee to acquire a certain autonomy to achieve his or her professional goals.
The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) or CLOM (Open and Massive Online Courses) are gaining momentum, although fewer than 40% of managers currently think they can make good use of them.
AI and the human factor combine to find the ideal candidate
In this perspective of evolution through the digital age, nearly 50% of French companies plan to use artificial intelligence in their recruitment.
Big Data provides recruiters with information that they can use to define their selection criteria while, in addition, artificial intelligence can automate certain tasks and accelerate the process of recruitment, evaluation and decision-making. From publishing a job notice to the analysis of the HR process via the selection of candidates, HR managers should take advantage of this modern method.
However, artificial intelligence only has a part to play in the recruitment process, it is not the crucial factor or decision-maker. It is up to the recruiter themselves to conclude the recruitment as the assessment of a candidate’s personality and intuition cannot be provided by Big Data but relies on the human touch.