Decree governing fields of competence in professional training

Fields of competence will now be taken into account in continuing education or VAE for the professional certificate.
Beginning with the 2017 session, it is now possible to use fields of competence to prepare a professional or craftsman diploma. This recourse is valid both for continuing vocational training and for the validation of acquired experience (VAE).
The terms and conditions for the acquisition of these diplomas are set out in Decree No. 2017-790 of 5 May 2017, published in the Official Journal of the 7th of May. This decree also takes up the definition of the field of competence as mentioned in Article L. 6323-6, II, 1 ° of the Labor Code: a unit is equal to a block of competences in the context of the preparation Of these diplomas. The conditions for access to the training required for the preparation of the supplementary mention have also been extended by this decree.
Minimum training period no longer required
According to the same decree no. 2017-790, applicants for continuous training or VAE who are preparing a professional or professional arts diploma no longer have to prove a minimum duration of 400 hours of training from the 2017 session.
An attestation for the mastery of skills
In order to enhance these skills vis-à-vis an employer and to pursue a training course, a document attesting to the mastery of these skills is provided for under the decree No. 2017-790 published on the 5th of May 2017. This certificate is issued to candidates who obtain one or more fields of competence.
In addition, applicants who have been in possession of this certificate for five years or more may apply to be exempted from the obligation to obtain the unit corresponding to the diploma. However, in order to benefit from this exemption, the candidate must maintain the standard of skills as required for the exam relating to the specialty covered by the diploma.
Units adapted to specialised needs
The decree also provides for the possibility of adapting the number of credentialing units depending on the specialty. This variation particularly concerns the syllabus for both the professional arts and professional diplomas.