Encouraging trends in French job market

The hiring rate in France has never been higher. Since the beginning of the year, the number of job offers has in fact increased by 42%.
The Ile de France region posted a remarkable increase of 73% in additional job offers. The recovery seems set to continue to gather momentum.
A sustainable recovery
In the third quarter of this year, + 42% of job offers were registered, confirming the sustainable recovery of employment since the beginning of the year.
The recruitment rate of French companies has reached an all-time record, a trend confirmed in 2016 and which has been accelerated in 2017. For 2017, the threshold of 200,000 net job creations should be reached.
Depending on the region, the increases vary but remain high overall: + 45% in Pays de la Loire, + 50% in Occitania, + 57% in Brittany, + 59% in Normandy and + 73% in Ile de France.
Greater Paris leads the way
Compared to 2016, the metropolis of Greater Paris has experienced a 75% increase in volume, confirming its place at the top of the ranking. Hot on the heels of Paris, we find the municipalities of Rennes and the Strasbourg Eurométropole.
According to the ranking of cities by growth in the volume of job vacancies published in Q3 2017, the overall trend is 42%.
An increase across all business sectors
Regarding the classification according to the fields of activity, the biggest increase is noticed in the transport and logistics sector, with a spectacular increase of 87% in job offers.
Energy and the environment came in second place with an increase of 65% while business services with a 60% rise in job offers took third place on the podium.