How do French companies recruit staff?

A report published by DARES presents the first results of its “Employment and Recruitment” survey conducted in 2016 to analyze the characteristics of new hires on permanent or fixed-term contracts of more than one month. The study is based on figures of new hires between September and November 2015.
The scope of the study covers 406,000 establishments and 1,196,000 recruits registered over this period, which represents 15% of fixed-term contracts of less than 3 months, 38% of fixed-term contracts of more than 3 months and 47% of CDIs signed.
The report notes that while only 26% of companies rely on a dedicated human resources service, all stages of recruitment are formalized by employers and more than half of companies apply standardized procedures to achieve the hiring of employees. ‘an employee.
Company size influences recruitment strategy
The Directorate for Research, Studies and Statistics notes that 60% of companies recruiting during this period had less than 10 employees, 30% had between 10 and 49 employees and only 10% of establishments had a larger size. 50 employees (2% more than 200 employees).
However, the larger companies are those that have more employees in volume during the period considered. Nearly 35% of the recruitments made were made by a company with more than 50 employees, which is three times more than their respective share in all establishments.
Internet, a privileged search tool for applications
The Dares report notes that two-thirds of the companies studied had a website dedicated to their activity that 60% of them use to collect applications for recruitment. Overall, 41% of companies would use their own website as a recruitment tool.
In general, the internet is a tool mobilized by companies in 45% of recruitments to display their ads or to consult CV-libraries and identify potential candidates. The use of the Internet appears more developed within large companies (200 employees or more) who use it as a tool to complement their HR service.
For companies that do not have a dedicated HR department internally, the corporate website is used for recruitment in one out of two cases. In companies with a Human Resources department, the Internet tool is more pronounced and is thus mobilized in 80% of cases.
The recruitment channels
To succeed in recruitment, 3.1 channels are on average mobilized by the company. The analysis of the candidatures received remains the method used most frequently, while it is the professional or personal relations which present the most results.
The number of channels mobilized for recruitment varies according to the characteristics of the position to be filled. Companies that recruit part-time or target low-skilled workers thus mobilize fewer channels for hiring.
Different employee sources
The Pôle emploi organization remains the most sought after by companies and thus accounts for almost a third of recruitments. In 20% of the cases, the employer also relies on training organizations (school, university, training center …) which thus represent the 2nd major intermediary of the labor market.
In the third position are the other public intermediaries (local missions or other intermediaries of the public employment service) who make use of 13% of recruitments, before employment agencies and employment agencies (9%), recruitment agencies (5%) and other investment agencies. The Apec (Employment Agency for Executives) is ultimately little used and comes in last position in only 0.3% of recruitments.
Selection methods
The study notes that in 3 recruitments out of 10, only one application was studied, which often results from a preliminary knowledge of the candidate in the employer’s network or co-optation by a third party.
Selection is most often done through an individual interview. Whereas the criteria taken into account are respectively experience, skills and motivation. For 89% of recruitments, the CV remains a central tool requested by the company in its selection of candidates.
Most employers say they are satisfied with the candidate they selected for their most recent recruitment.