New decree on information sharing for Pole Emploi

Training providers are now obliged to inform Pôle Emploi about the actual movements of persons on the jobseeker’s list. These movements including embarking on training courses, as well as interruptions and exits from vocational training. The transmission of this information must be carried out within 3 days of such movements. All these provisions are specified in Decree No. 2017-1019 of 9 May 2017, published in the Official Journal on the 11th of May.


Temporary measures pending SI-CPF

Pursuant to these provisions, training providers must then ensure that they are entitled to access the system of paperless transmission of these movements. Training organizations that do not have this authorization must transmit the information in paper format. This formality must also be carried out within 3 days of the aforementioned movements.


However, these measures remain transitional pending the effective implementation of the sharing of data as specified in Decree 2017-772 of  May 4 2017. This decree governs the exchange of information on the Training system set up by the Personnel Training Account Information System (SI-CPF). This exchange is organized between the organizations that finance vocational training and the bodies and institutions in charge of the Professional Development Council (POC) and the Personnel Training Account (CPF).