New HR tools launched online by Agefos PME

Faced with the strategic role that HR plays within companies, AGEFOS PME has decided to make public new online tools dedicated to HR management and training.

AGEFOS PME is the joint collecting body authorized to manage the collection and management of training funds for SMEs belonging to the General Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CGPME). In this capacity, it advises and supports companies in their professional training needs of employees.

Innovative tool to meet HR and training needs

Continuing its digital shift, AGEFOS PME has just launched a new tool called Agelink, dedicated to managing human resources and training needs.

This innovative tool allows companies to anticipate their training needs in a simple and effective way. Designed in synergy with the company’s other products, especially the Training Warranty, it helps companies to more easily make a digital shift in human resources. This evolutionary offer is totally articulated with the management of the administrative flows of the OPCA.

With every size of company its solution …

Agelink has been designed to meet the needs of businesses as closely as possible. There are three levels of offer depending on the size of the company:

Agelink Secur: it is a solution dedicated especially to SMEs. It helps them in their training.
Agelink Optim: this is an offer aimed primarily at companies that already have a predictive management of skills and jobs. The tool provides comprehensive support including data entry, training management, knowledge of social obligations …
Agelink Connect: a comprehensive offering that streamlines and simplifies business-to-business exchanges. As a direct interface, each company will be able to immediately grasp its training needs and consult its training plan activities.