Report shows that number of apprentices in France has stagnated

By studying the evolution of several indicators and by varying the scales of observation, the Geography of the School aims to give elements of reflection to the actors of education and training.
It also aims to guide these actors in the implementation of territorial diagnoses.
At its twelfth edition, 2017, the geography of the School illustrated some figures in its “Fiche 14.1”.
These provide valuable information about the evolution of the number of students who have been learning between 2006 and 2015.
With reference to this first aspect, the number of apprentices in metropolitan France and DOM (excluding Mayotte) practically stagnated a period of 10 years.
It even declined by 0.7% in 2015. This situation is due to several factors.
There is, for example, a decrease (20.30%) in the number of apprentices in Levels IV and V and an effective increase (78.8%) in levels I, II and III. Also noteworthy are significant territorial inequalities.
Indeed, there was an increase in the workforce (13.5%) in Ile de France and a decrease (19.8%) in Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur.