Trades in difficulty in French region

In a context where the unemployment rate remains high despite the economic recovery that began in early 2017, many jobs are experiencing recruitment difficulties.
CESER Burgundy-Franche-Comté has published a study conducted region-wide on the recruitment difficulties and tensions of a labor market that is undergoing profound administrative changes as well as technological, demographic and societal changes.
The CESER or Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council is one of the two regional assemblies in each French region. It fulfills a mission of consultation with the political authorities of the region and gives opinions on its economic, social, cultural or environmental projects.
This report first draws up an inventory of the players in the labor market, their role and the actions put in place to support recruitment.
It then establishes recommendations for improving the orientation and adaptation of training to deal with hiring difficulties in the trades in tension.
The objectives of the study
Stressing that the definition of trades in tension varies over time and according to the territories and sectors of activity studied, Ceser focuses first on clarifying the concept and focuses on three sectors in particular: the metallurgical industry and plastics, hotel and catering and personal assistance.
While the employee’s working conditions have undergone significant changes, the aim is to evaluate the challenges faced by companies in these business sectors, in particular the lack of stabilization of employees in activity, often linked to the conditions of remuneration. unattractive, but also the low attractiveness of certain trades and associated training.
The report also highlights the main actions developed at regional level and the role of the various players in the labor market and vocational training, while underlining the analytical tools as well as the places of expertise and consultation process put in place.
The main challenge for Ceser is the effective coordination of these tools but also the adaptation of the regional public employment service to a new context marked by the changes in public action, the emergence of new ways of working and the gap between training offers and business needs.
The recommendations of the CESER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Starting from the observation that there is no magic solution to all the issues, the Ceser summarizes its proposals around several axes:
- Access to up-to-date information on trades and available jobs
- Better sharing of knowledge of companies’ needs and expectations to help define professional projects in initial or lifelong training
- The development of effective partnerships between public service, local actors and companies for active management of employment
- Coordination of actors at the local level to act on the creation of employment pools
We summarize here the different recommendations supported by this Ceser report according to the types of training (initial or continuous):
For Initial Training
- Promoting the discovery of new trades
- Facilitating student orientation at the earliest opportunity
- Providing information to parents about the employment needs in the region and the training centers implemented at the level of the rectorates.
- Facilitating the material conditions of initial training through sandwich courses/subject learning.
- Evaluating the scope of existing communication campaigns with the public
- Strengthening the recognition of Academic and Student Achievement
- Get inspired by the forms of learning which appeal to young people
- Developing the school-business link
For Continuous Training
- Skills adaptation
- Encouraging the region to replenish the CPF of people in professional re-conversion towards sectors in difficulty
- Information for the operators responsible for the implementation of the CEP
- Support for tailor-made training initiatives
- Seizing digital opportunities to promote skills / needs matching (“Pôle emploi Store” or “Getopp” platforms)
Co-ordinating the major players
- From the job offer by locating in a local anchorage to better territorialize the economic action
- Connecting territories and know-how as much as possible
- Promoting the match between demand and job offer
- Open to innovative experiments and carrying out rigorous evaluations